“I am happy. I am very happy. This morning when I woke up I felt good because the sun was shining. I felt good because I was a frog. And I felt good because I have you as a friend. I wanted to be alone. I wanted to think about how fine everything is.”

“Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.”

“Are you happy,” he asked. “I am.” she said. And then she twisted again the row of bangles on her wrist. “I’m content. My parents are happy.”

“A person can influence a situation or the situation can influence a person.”

“Happiness like unhappiness is a proactive choice. We are free to choose our responses to any situation. The choice is ours. We are really the sum total of the choices we make; the ball is always in our court.”

“It’s wise to burn anger, before anger itself burns your peace and happiness.”

“Don’t give anything to anybody very easily. Life is not a gift. Life is a struggle. Make him dream about it and it will make him more and more happy by getting it. If someone has already become accustomed to happiness, this is not happiness yet.”

“-Oh, don’t talk rot. You will marry me, won’t you?-D’you think we should be happy?-No. But what does that matter?(471)”

“A lasting happiness cannot be attained by seeking temporary happiness.”

“Most people are like all stomachs: they cannot remain satisfied for a long time.”

“If you don’t love me, is it okay if I love you?”

“Happiness belongs to those who live for others!”

“Kirtan is spiritually uplifting! It spreads its beautiful, peaceful vibrations and uplifts the soul!”

“When we are happy for no reason, why do we question ourselves?”

“Civilization is not the one that has an abundance of material objects to incessantly crave for, rather true civilization is the one that has an abundance of contentment regardless of material possession.”