“The best investment one can make with one’s time is to spend it on happiness.”

“I keep planting my smile in the rich soil of your sadness, hoping one day love will bloom from your thoroughly saturated heart.”

“Happiness is not good for the economy. We are encouraged, continually, to be a little bit dissatisfied with ourselves.”

“I read not with any particular object in mind, nor really with the intention of retaining any information about the subjects that I chose, but rather because the act of reading was a habit, and because it was soothing and, perhaps, from a lifetime’s inculcated faith in the explanatory power of books, the half-held belief that somewhere in those hectares upon hectares of printed pages I might find that fact which would make sense of my growing unhappiness, allowing me to peel back the obscurant layers of myself and lay bare at last the solid structure underneath.”

“… I laughed simply because being this particular person in this particular world at this particular moment was cause for joy…”

“All feelings are fleeting.”

“The most important goal of education is to pursue the ultimate purpose of life, to achieve success with happiness.”

“We are all taught that the most beautiful part of a fairytale is “happily ever after”. But we fail to notice that all fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time”. Once. It all happened. It was all real. Once.”


“You’re as happy as you allow yourself to be – so why be unhappy?”

“One may drown in sorrows but wears a mask of happiness because the world is not ready to shower Love.”

“If we could live in the consecrated spaces of happiness and forget the past, how easily the world would transform.”

“The more we veer away from our true nature, the more unhappy we feel. When we align with our better self, we feel happy and content again.”

“Success is important, but the journey towards happiness is most important in life.”

“Different emotions of Love are Believe, Trust, Like, Interest, Feels, Favorite, Thought, care, Blessing, Happiness, Response, Respect, Honest, Kindness, Hope, Forgiveness, Dreams, Pray, Helpful, knowledge, Imagination, Fear, Concentration, Freedom, Understand, Enjoy etc”