“Our body is a sacred temple A place to connect with people. As we aren’t staying any younger We might as well keep it stronger.”

“The testing of Abraham’s faith was not for God to see if Abraham would obey since God knows everything from A to Z. It was for Abraham to find out if his faith in God will stand the test. How far was he willing to obey God? How strong was his faith in God really? God knows us. He knows what is in our hearts, we cannot fool Him”

“Your head is so full of worldly “things” while your heart is full of eternal love and faith. Your heart is full of what matters most and that is where I am. That is where we can connect. In a place where there is no fear and no end to love.”

“The most beautiful place I’ve ever been is in your heart.”

“Writing is dreaming with your eyes open — and your heart on fire.”

“Her love is safe inside his heart for he is her armor.”

“Only my heart can see your love; only my soul can feel your touch.”

“This heart; a stubborn one always feeling everything; all at once.”

“To deny the cry in my soul is to deny the beating in my heart.”

“SENSEDo you make decisions based on what makes sense in your mind or what you sense in your heart?”

“There is no one more powerful Than the one who trusts their own heart”

“To love the moon that is in the sky, look at the moon that is in your heart.”

“You may live forever through your creative thoughts and the magnificent art of your heart.”