“Neither lose heart nor hope.”

“Without pain, we fail to find the true pleasure of being.”

“With hope, anything becomes a possibility and with none everything is impossible.”

“if the rain you left behindfor me to deal withtaught me anything in this life,it would be that after every showerthere would be rays of sunso I will believe the sky when it criesthat all will be okayeventually.”

“To lose heart is to lose hope.”

“To lose faith is to faint.”

“Once a seed of hope is planted, you don’t need to water it. It grows by itself.”

“Even when all is falling apart there is still hope in the world. Hope, a shining beacon that allows love, kindness, and happiness to pour through to the world. Let us, all together, combine our hope, our hope for a better future, and work toward all of our success. Let us be in unity as we venture into the great unknown.”

“Faith is sure hope.”

“Hope becomes an option only when we get involved. Empathy must influence the nature of our interactions. And we must remember that compassion is contagious. The more we spread it, the more the people around us are gonna feel it and cherish it. And the more we see it elsewhere, the more it becomes attainable where we are.”

“Be strong in faith.”

“SonnetI am no stranger in the house of pain;I am familiar with its every part,From the low stile, then up the crooked laneTo the dark doorway, intimate to my heart.Here did I sit with grief and eat his bread,Here was I welcomed as misfortune’s guest,And there’s no room but where I’ve laid my headOn misery’s accomodating breast.So, sorrow, does my knocking rouse you up?Open the door, old mother; it is I.Bring grief’s good goblet out, the sad, sweet cup;Fill it with wine of silence, strong and dry.For I’ve a story to amuse your ears,Of youth and hope, of middle age and tears.”

“Oskar’s particular blessings are blessings that only a major cosmopolitan city can bestow on a refugee. They represent all our potential to survive and even thrive in the face of great loss.”

“It’s a question of how we regard our situations, how we look and see where we are, and how we choose, if we can, when we are seeing undeceivedly, not to despair and, at the same time, how best to act. Hope is exactly that, that’s all it is, a mater of how we deal with the negative acts towards human beings by other human beings in the world, remembering that they and we are all human, that nothing human is alien to us, the foul and the fair, and that most important of all we’re here for a mere blink of the eyes, that’s all.”