“That the situation is hopeless should not prevent us from doing our best.”

“Hope grows exponentially when shared. So does peace.”

“To know the hope and the struggle and the stay still and the run away and the come here and the push back. And also what it is to say yes, to be present exactly where you are.”

“Having hope is half the battle. Without hope, there is no battle to win, no place to go. Without hope, you stay where you are forever.”

“It hasn’t happened yet, nuclear war. No missiles have been sent. As long as it hasn’t happened, there’s a chance that it may not happen.”

“Hope is a sincere faith.”

“It never too to wish for want.”

“In calm cold midwinter, there was a starving hunter,who lost his way in forest,and had no food no shelter,One day he woke of hunger, and started walking faster, he walked for miles and miles,but nothing saw his eyes,He trembled of an anger,his hope forever died,like thirsty bowing flower,the poor hunter cried,He started walking further,then saw a wounded deer, who lied near the river,with so much pain to bear.The deer was also hunted,by hunter like this man,her eyes were getting colder,and filled with so much fear,The hunter felt so pity,of what he saw over there,his sufferings were same as,of which were of the deer,And then they died together,as reached the starving”

“It is never over, though we are in December!”

“Only the gospel of salvation can save a soul.”

“He met Ray’s eyes. He knew it was hard to believe but Sergi did believe it. Believe in him. He knew how strong Ray was, and if he’d ever doubted it, his resilience in the face of the shitty cards he’d been dealt would have been more than enough. He didn’t know how to say it so Ray would believe him, though.”I spent a lot of time fighting with you,” he said in the end. “I figure I know what you’re made of by now.”He couldn’t tell if Ray believed him, but sometimes all you could do was offer your faith. Again and again, a prayer and an offering, and hope someone was listening.”

“Pushkin could cry hot tears, and he who can weep can hope. “I want to live, so that I may think and suffer,” he says; and it seems as if the word “to suffer,” which is so beautiful in the poem, just fell in accidentally, because there was no better rhyme in Russian for “to die.”

“Siempre deja la ventura una puerta abierta en las desdichas, para dar remedio a ellas.”

“All paths may wind again towards the light if hope survives the long night between.”

“Is there any greater miracle than this holy moment?”