“And as the sun sets, I place my hand upon my heart, feel that it is still beating, and remind myself ‘Past performance is not a predictor of future results.”

“They called it the city of tomorrow. In most cities around the world, the only people who ever look up are the tourists. In Metropolis, everyone looked up.”

“If we—and now I mean the relatively conscious whites and the relatively conscious blacks, who must, like lovers, insist on, or create, the consciousness of the others—do not falter in our duty now, we may be able, handful that we are, to end the racial nightmare, and achieve our country, and change the history of the world. If we do not dare everything, the fulfillment of that prophecy, re-created from the Bible in song by a slave, is upon us: God gave Noah the rainbow sign, No more water, the fire next time!”

“Love is a delusion that becomes true.”

“To tell someone how we truly feel, may take a moment of great courageBut to lose that chance can be the regret of a lifetime”

“We never really know what we give to someone else. Sometimes a few simple words may change someone’s life in a single moment.”

“I paint my dreams on a canvas of life with a smile of hope, An attempt to make my destiny a bit colorful!”

“As he searched my eyes, I searched his. I could see the sincerity there, lying underneath insecurity and hope. I’d made him doubt when I pushed him away. Now he was putting everything on the line, hoping for a chance at what he wanted. I could kick myself for causing him pain. The thought of the time wasted between us. The dam finally broke as the one thing that I hadn’t dared to hope for was just made true—someone loved me.”

“… but in the depths of their hearts, in that true and ultimate depth which is revealed to no one, there remained the memory of what had taken place and the consciousness that was has once been can be again; there remained too hope, a seneless hope, that great asset of the downtrodden. For those who rule and must oppress in order to rule must work according to reason; and if, carried away by their passions or driven by an adversary, they go beyond the limits of reasonable action, they start down the slippery slope and thereby reveal the commencement of their own downfall. Whereas those who are downtrodden and exploited make equal use of their reason and unreason for they are but two different kinds of arms in the continual struggle, now underground, now open, against the oppressor.”

“Always Have Hope. Surprising Good Fortunes Are Heading Your Way!”

“Sometimes challenging situations lead to beautiful life changing opportunities… so listen to them because they’re quietly spoken!”

“Be Patient. All Storms Pass. The Sunshine Will Come. And There Will Be Joy!”

“The Azath will not be touched, for it is new, a child. Her eyes, soft brown, slowly regarded those of her companions. “The Queen of Darkness spoke thus of Light when it was first born: ‘It is new, and what is new is innocent, and what is innocent is precious. Observe this child of wonder, and know respect.’ ”Orfantal scowled. “Thus did Light survive, and so was Darkness destroyed, the purity vanquished—and now you would have us flawed as our Queen was flawed. Light became corrupted and destroyed our world, Korlat, or have you forgotten?”Korlat’s smile was a sad one. Cherish such flaws, dear brother, for our Queen’s was hope, and so is mine.”

“Why do people die and feel unbreathing? This is because of having no hope in their lives just having no hope of living, no hope of getting what to eat, no hope of having best friends and so on. So if you ignore all those negative thoughts and you keep on doing positively what you are supposed to do, you will find yourself living many years with no reasons.”

“We leave situations that are constantly painful or we seriously change them. However, the Greyness is more deceptive than that. It prolongs its lifespan by throwing in occasional light. Those moments give us the illusion of hope; that we can eventually get what we want from the same scenario.”