“I had come to understand that despair does not necessarily result in annihilation, that one can go on as usual despite of it…”

“Consistent hard work will always bring consistent miracles.”

“…when she had those dreams at night, he was there, as if he had never died, although she knew, even in the dream, that he had. One day she would join him, she knew, whatever people said about how we came to an end when we took our last breath. Some people mocked you if you said that you joined others when your time came. Well, they could laugh, those clever people, but we surely had to hope, and a life without hope of any sort was no life: it was a sky without stars, a landscape of sorrow and emptiness.”

“And as we sat there in the silence with the stars burning in the purple deeps of the summer night above us, we dreamed of the kites which children of a larger growth fly in the face of heaven—toys of love and faith—toys of ambition and of folly—toys of grotesque resolve and flattering ideals—toys of vain dreams and vain expectation—the kites of human Hope, gaudy-colored or gray, richly tinseled or humbly simple—rising and soaring and tossing on the fickle winds of the world, only to become entangled at last in that mighty web of indissoluble and everlasting threads which the Weird Sisters spin for all of us.”

“A world made of skulls was no place for roses, and it was time to plant more than bones. (From the novel Following the Strandline)”

“Apart from having ‘National Poet’, ‘National Anthem’ etc., I hope it will not be irrelevant if there is ‘National Writer’ in every country!”

“Life is so utterly enraptured with beginnings that it can do little else than perpetually create space for them. And those spaces are what we call endings.”

“Jesus is no genie in a lamp. All the happy thoughts and positive thinking in the world will not keep life from being life. I’ve come to believe that, as big risks offer the potential for great reward or great failure, the biggest waves bring the swiftest undertow. As I learned to accept this principle rather than fight it, a deeper understanding of the call to perseverance, which appears so frequently in the Bible, emerged. As I learned to persevere, something mysterious began to happen: the more difficult things became, the deeper I looked at myself, sought God’s guidance, and let go. It is like the scripture that reads, “And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

“I miss the city of tomorrow—and the man of yesterday.”

“Be where you have never been before. Do what you have never done before. Breathe! Love, Laugh, Cry & Hope. And most importantly LIVE! Test your potential.. It’s Worth It!”

“He was a creature of hope. For dreams are hopes, and echoes of hopes. And I am a creature of despair.”

“If it’s hard, persist. If exhausted, energize. If in doubt, continue. If pessimistic, dream.”

“To wait means you are constantly straddling two realities – the hoped-for outcome either happening, or not. Yes, or no. Yes, or no. You feel the pull of both possibilities as you wait.”

“Anything can happen. Don’t give up before it does.”

“A Call For The Overthrow Of The World Government!”