“Pain writes the words, sorrow wields the pen, tears wet the paper, and the story mends the heart.”

“You are a hole in my life, a black hole. Anything I place there cannot be returned. I miss you terribly. Ci vedremo lassu, angelo.”

“I ask, ‘Is the cup half-empty or half-full?’ And when I ask that question, I am amazed at how many people have no cup.”

“Once faith dies, the death of hope follows hard on its heels.”

“Hope is a curious thing. You always seem to loose it when you most need it.”

“If you believe our cause so hopeless, why join us?””Because you offered something I had forgotten could be offered, a choice. And I choose to die free.”

“The heavenly Father is a hope to the hopeless.”

“…hope is never wasted. Even if what I hoped for did not come to fruition as I had imagined, as I had hoped. Hope is placing the beautifully vulnerable parts of ourselves, our raw selves, into His hands. I believe hope moves His heart; but hope also moves our hearts into His hands. Hope builds trust.”

“So I was a stone in the sea. Gravity gave up on keeping me above the surface. I did not try to swim and so I sank to the bottom with no will to turn back. ”I’m tired,” I told him. ”I’m done”.But he wouldn’t let me and he held me up even on his hardest days and he was a lighthouse when all I saw was darkness.”

“It is better to hope less than to be hopeless.”

“It is not the absence of hope. Rather, it is the absence of our faith in hope.”

“You can always see a light around the hopeful people and darkness around the hopeless! And what better shield you can have than having a light around you in the dusky times?”

“I need hope in something a lot bigger than me, for if I’m as good as it gets then I’m in big trouble.”

“Light is somewhere at the End, to guide you not to blind you!”

“For all the alcoholics and addicts out there, you are loved, stopped being so stubborn and come in from the cold. Wherever you are, there is a brighter light in your sight. Move towards it every day, and keep moving towards it. Even the worst and strongest addiction is a choice—a choice not to fight, to give up, to indulge the impulse, or instead to accept the hands offered you to help, even from strangers, even from the state. Don’t hate those who gave up on you, it wasn’t their fault, you just wore them down. Show them they were wrong about you. Your troubles are meant to mold you into something better, not destroy you, so FIGHT! Another day comes for the better if you’re standing in the right spot for it to hit you. Find the right spot and stay there until it does.”