“In a world as noisy as ours, only those who can isolate themselves will be able to think better and meditate better and hence have a higher chance of receiving innovative ideas and concepts.”

“Keep to active learning. You must learn, research and be so passionate about new ways and methods of doing things to be and remain relevant.”

“The same styles you used earlier may become monotonous over time. You want to remain relevant, so you got to change that style. Reinvent yourself always: You must create a new you”

“Solitude with God is a place for pregnancy. Solitude is also a place to receive great ideas and creative ideas from God. The power of imagination is strongest in the place of solitude.”

“Time is needed to convert all ideas and added values into the tangible products that benefits the world.”

“Being able to think through and successfully execute ideas, is the gap. The gap leads to success and is so narrow, few are willing to give themselves the final push to squeeze through to the other side.”

“I hold in my hand a million ideas and more. But if I am puzzled as to why they have never leapt out of my hand and been birthed into the realities they were crafted to be, it is likely because the other hand has withheld the sacrifice that is necessary to birth an idea.”

“The Best Things In Life Aren’t So Sweet But Their Results Are Sweeter!”

“If you invest in thinking, you can produce ideas”

“You need to get out of your comfort zone to make connections with new ideas. If you don’t have that grit and resilience to embrace a growth mindset, you might never get a taste of what it feels like to be successful.”

“Don’t deny the world of your innovative ideas in the media industry”

“Energy and ideas flows out of your self-belief”

“I think deeply about things and want others to do likewise. I work for ideas and learn from people. I don’t like excluding people. I’m a perfectionist, but I won’t let that get in the way of publication. Except for education and entertainment, I’m not going to waste my time on things that won’t have an impact. I try to be friends with everyone, but I hate it when you don’t take me seriously. I don’t hold grudges, it’s not productive, but I learn from my experience. I want to make the world a better place.”

“You have to remember that I was a bright but simple fellow from Canada who seldom, if ever, met another writer, and then only a so-called literary type that occasionally sold a story and meanwhile worked in an office for a living.”