“The efforts to rise from darkness into light, from ignorance to knowledge, from prejudices to free thinking, make us real wise beings.”

“One German-American friend of mine, an architectural historian my own age, can be counted on to excoriate Woodrow Wilson after he has had several strong drinks. He goes on to say that it was Wilson who persuaded this country that it was patriotic to be stupid, to be proud of knowing only one language, of believing that all other cultures were inferior and ridiculous, offensive to God and common sense alike, that artists and teachers and studious persons in general were ninnies when it came to dealing with problems in life that really mattered, and on and on. This friend says that it was a particular misfortune for this country that the German-Americans had achieved such eminence in the arts and education when it was their turn to be scorned from on high. To hate all they did and stood for at that time, which included gymnastics, by the way, was to lobotomize not only the German-Americans but our culture. “That left American football,” says my German-American friend, and someone is elected to drive him home.”

“It is difficult to know agnan (all other knowledge other than the knowledge of the Self, Worldly Knowledge), and easy to know Gnan [knowledge of the real self, the soul]. There is no end to agnan.”

“That which does not allow one to enter into agnan (worldly knowledge) is called Gnan [Knowledge of the Real Self, the Soul]. When agnan [worldly knowledge] begins to arise, Gnan becomes present and tells him, ‘This is that!”

“One forgets agnan (worldly knowledge) when he remains in Gnan (Knowledge of the Real Self, the Soul). Man can be in only one place.”

“The whole world is indeed trapped by misery. What is the misery about? Due to ignorance of one’s own Real Self (agnanta). Due to ignorance of one’s own Real Self (agnanta), attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh) keeps on occuring, which leads to this misery. Only through Gnan [Knowledge of the Real Self] can one prevail in a misery-free state. There is no other solution at all.”

“The sin of ignorance is the neglect of the Knowledge of salvation.”

“Spreading knowledge is the most effective weapon for defeating ignorance.”

“Agnan (ignorance) is gnan (knowledge) also. Agnan is nothing else- it is not darkness. But it is a light to illuminate the non-Self. It is the light to show the non-Self. And Gnan illuminates the Self and the non-Self.”

“Agnan will not let one know ‘Who he is,’ and Gnan lets one know his own Self.”

“In the state of Gnan (Knowledge of the Self), the Atma (Self) is the non-doer (akarta), in the state of ignorance of the Self, Atma (Self) is the doer (karta).”

“If you go to ‘do’ anything, then bondage will happen there. Wherever you ‘do’, there is bondage and with understanding, there is freedom.”

“Why can jiva (living being) not attain the self? It is because agnan is dear to it.”

“The world is not an impediment, it is your ignorance (of the Self) that impedes you. When does ignorance (of the Self) leave? It leaves through the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) that the Gnani Purush gives. What should the Knowledge of the Gnani Purush be like? It should be science (Vignan). Vignan is animate (chetan), whereas knowledge is inanimate (achetan). The knowledge that is prevailing in the world is achetan. Achetan means that it cannot work on its own from within (kriyakari) whereas this (Knowledge of the Self) is science. Science constantly keeps working on its own, You do not have to do anything.”

“Energy of pudgal [that which charges and discharges, complex of intake and output] is used in knowing the knowledge of ignorance based knowledge [agnan, all other knowledge other than knowledge of the self], and prayer is required to be done to know the knowledge of Gnan [Knowledge of the Soul, our Real Self].”