“If you are gifted in everything in you read can be converted into improving your skills”

“Your gift will only be able to feed you and be an effective value chain for you. If you make sure you improve your gift”

“You must improve your gifts”

“Improve on your potentials”

“In our journey between Thinking to Improve and Trying to Improve exists the first stop called Willpower, and most of the travelers’ never go past this place, thinking that only thing matters is the resolution to reach the destination, but success needs completion of journey and that requires crossing the next two stops: determination & hard-work.”

“Learning from your customers is vital to your success. Even if you work in a back office or don’t deal directly with the public, you are serving someone in your job. You have a boss–and the boss is really your customer, right? You have to think of the people you work for (and if you have a job, your work for someone) as customers. Doing so gives you greater buy-in to the idea that your job is part of a bigger universe–it’s not just you toiling away on a computer making sure the numbers add up (or whatever it is you do). Someone, somewhere, is counting on you to hold up your end of the bargain and to do your job better, and you can learn from that person (or people).”

“Self-improvement starts with self-love. When you can appreciate your own self, you can realize the value of caring for yourself: your body and mind.”

“Tomorrow is another opportunity to improve yourself”

“Knowing the man responsible for your success is in the mirror is a high that you can never buy”

“Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”

“A bed that can no longer fit two egos can only fit two sorrows and a separation.”

“True education empowers people to change the world for the better”

“Success comes to us only after our acceptance that being just good isn’t good enough, we must put best of our efforts to become the best.”

“It doesn’t matter how wealthy you may be in material things, what matters is do you know what to do with those wealth?”