“We dropped our troubles into the lap of the storyteller, and they turned into someone else’s.”

“I think about the Old Ones, that they have a past but no history. I think about the inevitability of death, and whether it’s not that very inevitability that inspires us to take photographs and make scrapbooks and tell stories. That that’s how we humans find our way to immortality. This is not a new thought; I’ve had such thoughts before. But I have a new thought now. That that’s how we find our way toward meaning. Meaning. If you’re going to die, you want to find meaning in life. You want to connect the dots.”

“You are to make your own way prosperous…Even God cannot do it for you; you will have to do it yourself by doing the right things; taking right decisions, talking right, thinking right, being at the right place with the right-kind of people and by reading the right materials.”

“It is never late, you can start the movement now, the provisions have been made, the price has been paid and the gifts have been packaged. Are you willing to change?”

“Your behavior is the sum total of your action and reaction to issues and people around you.”

“Metaforen är ett av tankens väsentligaste verktyg. Den belyser vad som annars skulle ligga helt i mörker. Men denna belysning blir ibland så klar att den bländar istället för avslöjar.”

“You are addressed by the way you dress. Your attire reflects your sense of value or taste and of course, your speech either makes or mars you.”

“Do you want to make a change?…Do you want this change? Then let’s move at God`s pace.”

“Just about a month from now I’m set adrift, with a diploma for a sail and lots of nerve for oars.”

“The more you become aware of and respond to the needs of others, the richer your own life becomes.”

“What would you say to yourself if you could actually meet a younger you?”

“Art builds upon art, builds upon art…nothing is purely original. We’re all inspired by something…or someone. It’s a never-ending chain of ideas…and it’s magical.”

“You deserve to have a prosperous and abundant life!”

“Que les poètes morts laissent la place aux autres. Et nous pourrions tout de même voir que c’est notre vénération devant ce qui a été déjà fait, si beau et si valable que ce soit, qui nous pétrifie, qui nous stabilise et nous empêche de prendre contact avec la force qui est dessous, que l’on appelle l’énergie pensante, la force vitale, le déterminisme des échanges, les menstrues de la lune ou tout ce qu’on voudra.”

“Coincidences link us to the unknown and weave us into it.”