“Choose your words carefully when you speak to others. Some people lost their job, friends, family, partners, and respect, because of how they speak.”

“It does not matter whether you get the appreciation that you deserve. It does not matter whether your art gets the appreciation that it deserves. A true artist does not ever stop creating art!”

“If I was blind, I would still see you.If I was deaf, I would still hear you.If I was mute, I would still speak to you.If I was crippled, I would still carry you.If I was dying, I would still live for you.”

“Parents are living gods. They do everything to make their children happy and expect nothing in return.”

“‪Your beauty will attract him. Only your character will keep him.‬”

“Impossibility is a state of mind, not a destination”

“If you have something that nobody else has, then you can use it in making something that no one else can do.”

“The dark clouds and the silver linings Iridescence of the shallow evenings Show them They are beautiful.Just a little effort And astonishing Are the thunders.”

“To lovers out there…How are you treating the person that truly, really loves you. Are you taking advantage of their love for you and you abuse them and mess with them. Just remember that their love might be the only true love you will get in your entire life. That’s why some people are complaining saying they cant find love. It is because love was there before but they choose to spit on it and rejected the person who had it. They do find new partners but they don’t find love.”