“May you always be true to yourself.”

“The more we think we need, the less we get. The less we say we need, the more we have.”

“I’m not the kind of girl who spends hours getting ready. I don’t blow dry my hair. And I hate make up. I’m not pretty. And I don’t want to be. I am passionate and restless and wild. I’m exhausted by prudent ideologies. I’m not inferior because of my lack of convention. I’m as strong as I am broken. I’m tired of having my sexuality mistaken for an invitation. I will sweat and I will run. I will let the rain come down on me. I want to feel life as I am. I don’t want to skate through having my immoderation controlled by weak judgements. By fear.I don’t want to be who I’m supposed to be, I want to be who I am.”

“A world without Picasso is a world without Walt Disney. – Me”

“The past is fiction. The future is unwritten. We only have the here and now.”

“The best bonus of an employee is on time salary.”