“You live for those you carry in your heart, but would only die for those you carry in your soul.”

“The universe was happy when the sky was born.The sky was happy when the stars were born.The stars were happy when light was born.Light was happy when the world was born.The world was happy the day you were born.”

“If you are full of fear, you will drown in the shallowest river. If you are full of faith, you will swim across the deepest ocean.”

“Have faith in your dreams and in your own abilities. Do your best. Then let the Universe do the rest.”

“The world has many eyes. The sky has many ears. The stars have many feet. The universe has many hands.”

“Learning to accept and appreciate the good and bad is how we learn to change setbacks into blessings”

“Success is not a marathon; it’s a compilation of short races one building on the success of another.”

“That spark you felt ignite inside you, that split-second vision that you had of yourself bright like the Sun — believe that! Believe that.”

“Injustices tolerated will never be eradicated”

“I have finally come to the realisation that nothing is truer than our own manifestation.I mean society sucks, everything is backwards and I am awake in a world alone full of ignorant minds, toxic belief systems and sleeping souls.My mind is a bed of soil for me to plant my seeds, I need to keep my soil healthy.I have to water my seeds with actions and in the warmth of presence day by day, I appreciate watching my plants grow.I am fluid, I am objective and I make noise waking the sleeping souls around me as my garden comes to life.Lead by example.”

“The information you need is out there, and all you have to do to get it is make a call, send a note, or pick up a book. The next step is in your hands”