“Breakup is never an end of the story. It’s just a beginning. The beginning of your success story. And hence,Breakup= Inspiration to Achieve”

“Lion Is fearless. Lion is not a survivor But a warrior. Lion Hunt Alone, Not in group. Lion Don’t eat leftover, but hunt big. A Lion does not turn around when a small dog Barks. Lion Is the king of the jungle”

“You can customize tomorrow, only if you train your brain today! Don’t believe in Luck, only believe in hard work”

“Our Destiny is very scripted and unpredictable by the universe. What ever happened was meant to be”

“Winners win, Losers lose. It’s YOU who decides what you want to be”

“Power of words are infinity, use them wisely. Power of words can change the world or destroy”

“Don’t train to be ordinary; train to be extraordinary. You have to go beyond the ordinary in order to become extraordinary. You must develop a style that works for you.”

“Richard grimaced. She was attractive, but not to his liking. Something about her reminded him of spoiled meat served in a complicated sauce – it may look good, but it’s inedible.”

“If she’s lucky, she’ll grow up to be a decent person instead of the wife of a feudal lord.”

“Yes, Lilian Earton was a large woman. She was fat. There was no other word for it. But at the same time, there was something indefinable about her. Was it an inner light? A sparkle in her eyes? The way she spoke and moved and made things move around her? The man couldn’t have said exactly. He didn’t know the word “charisma,” but that was exactly what she had. She had personality that no layers of fat could hide. She was impressive.”

“A last, despairing thought shot through Aliya’s mind, Is this it? I don’t want to die! I want to live! Then everything went dark.”

“Eventually the old herbalist realized that Jaimie had knowledge to share, as well. Two intelligent people can always find common ground.”

“Believing a Lie Does Not Make It the Truth”