“In Data Science if you want to help individuals, be empathetic and ask questions; that way, you can begin to understand their journey, too.”

“There were just four things a woman could be (five at most): daughter, wife, mother, widow, and slut. That was it. There were no other roles for them—no free and independent women, no feminism, no selfsufficiency. If you didn’t like it, you could be branded a witch and executed.”

“Smart people are always learning something new. Stupid people just stay stupid. Remember that.”

“What has happened to you, Aliya Skorolenok? Who have you become? The reflection said nothing, because there was nothing to say.”

“Being here I’ve seen things I never dreamt I’d see, loved people I never would have known if I’d just stayed where I was.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are a diamond or a lump of coal if you remain buried underground.”

“Change doesn’t happen by keeping quiet or staying still. Change is the reason I became a member of the Tracksuit Economy, a way of doing my job without the trappings of corporate life in a way I choose to do it.”

“Because we do believe in the light. Yes, we know that Harry Potter is not real, but we know that colective light is is real. And powerful. And in the face of hatred and bigotry and cruelty and everything that dark sky stood for, we were so much stronger together.”

“If you want to know how valuable you are in life, spend your valuable time doing what adds value.”