“People with no human values are worse than zombies.”

“Faith is expressed in love.”

“What you do for others, God will do for you.”

“Original sin and conscious awareness of human fallibility is the perpetual agent of transformation in human affairs. Humankind’s behavior is pathological; it is an admixture of instinct and reason, kindness and cruelty, immorality and seeking redemption.”

“Some women think being arrogant, selfish, bitter and looking down on others are qualities of being an Independent, strong, powerful and successful business women. No matter how high you are in life. Never look down on others and never forget humanity.”

“Let your every word express kindness.Let your every thought desire goodness.Let your every action benefit others.Let your every hope bring peace to the earth.”

“Never forget to be kind. Sometimes a little kindness can open the door of a bigger opportunity.”

“Why do we teach our children to hate others when there is no other option than to love? We need to teach that kindness, compassion, tolerance, and harmony are the beauties of life.”

“Let us be the source of joy.Let us be the source of peace.Let us be the source of kindness.”

“Kindness is the most beautiful expression of love, and compassion is the most beautiful expression of friendship.”

“Kindness is beautiful. Be kind to reveal your own beauty.”

“To keep your life brimming with happiness, sing with everyone with care and kindness. Fill your heart with the brightest sunlight, and use the power of love whenever you’re in fights.”

“To change your enemies forever, practice forgiveness, appreciation, and kindness towards them.”

“Kindness is not an act to be praised, it the love for others that should be felt.”

“As if you own an ocean, give away kindness like water.”