All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge
“Education without the knowledge of the Holy One is the darkest doom.”
“He learned that the lives of men are short and filled with pain, yet each one a priceless treasure, whether it be that of a prince or a pig-keeper. And, at the last, the book taught him that while nothing was certain, all was possible. “At the end of knowledge, wisdom begins, Dallben murmured. “And at the end of wisdom there is not grief, but hope.”
“Breathe and wait ten seconds before you put up that post. Is that content good for today, tomorrow, next week, next month and next year? If not, alter it, to create a professional endurance to your content”
“I came to see that knowing what love isn’t might be just as valuable, though infinitely less satisfying, as knowing what it is.”
“People are called intellectuals because they’re privileged. It’s not because they’re smart or they know a lot. There are plenty of people who know more and are smarter but aren’t intellectuals because they don’t have the privilege. The people called intellectuals are privileged. They have resources and opportunities, and enough freedom has been won so that they state does not have an unrestrained capacity to repress”
“There is no better way to find out the true heart, honor, and professionalism of a person, than seeing how they handle themselves and others when facing a crisis, disaster or intense level of pressure.”
“Există ceva dincolo de reprezentare? Cunoașterea e o fereastră demnă de încredere spre real, sau doar un sistem de sticle opace și împodobite cu figuri care filtrează numai imagini false și umbre îndoielnice de adevăr? Există într-adevăr ceva îndărătul cunoașterii sau nu există nimic, ca și îndărătul vieții? Să fie oare numai o oglindă a ei însăși, scoarță fără trunchi, draperie a golului?”
“Knowledge accumulated and lived inside of you. He wasn’t sure how it happened, but if you had the pieces of a puzzle in your mind, they would eventually drift close enough to fit together. It had happened too many times for him to doubt it. The answer always came. You just had to be able to recognise when it did. And then you had to figure out what to do with it. In some cases, it might come and go without you even noticing.”
“Your knowledge of failure is the way for the new phase of it!”
“Every woman is a science; for he that plods upon a woman all his life long, shall at length finde himself short of the knowledge of her.”
“If you cannot buy yourself a coat, buy yourself a book, latter your book will buy you a coat. Knowledge is only available for the wise.”
“What should be boundless is one’s love of life, not one’s love of art or knowledge.”
“Science is thus a paradigm for how we ought to gain knowledge—not the particular methods or institutions of science but its value system, namely to seek to explain the world, to evaluate candidate explanations objectively, and to be cognizant of the tentativeness and uncertainty of our understanding at any time.”
“Anyone can put a price on knowledge – schools and universities do it all the time, but no one can put a price on wisdom for it can neither be bought nor sold. It should be given and accepted with no ulterior motives.”
“Knowledge, degrees and diplomas are not for everyone, but wisdom is. True wisdom is in being happy doing what you do best no matter how trivial it may seem as long as it is beneficial to you and to those around you.”