All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge
“Put your ears to the ground, to the sky, to the sun and the moon… tune in to Mother Earth’s sweet song. She has messages to say, knowledge to relay, inspiration to convey… there is much for you to learn. Your journey has just begun.”
“Our heart calls us one way, the mind pulls us the other way, and we do the opposite. We cannot find peace when the mind rages war against the heart, when we fight with our thoughts the pull of our love.”
“Without wisdom, a teacher is nothing more than a research paper: a knowledge filled text which is boring and has no practical use. With wisdom, a teacher is like a great novel: a text filled with knowledge, practical applications and, above all, fun.”
“People who just float around in life without any direction will tell you that your dreams are not possible. Their knowledge is the perfect mirror of their results. Logic makes perfect sense.”
“Your commitment shakes the very foundation of this universe. (from The Amazing You movie)”
“Understanding how little we know is crucial to gaining knowledge.”
“[A]ll knowledge goes through both stages, the annunciation out of noise into fact, and the disintegration back into noise again. The process involved was the making of increasingly finer distinctions. The outcome was an endless series of theoretical catastrophes.”
“We rely on our education, on our judgment and our intuition to make decisions, but sometimes we find ourselves in the most dangerous scenario we can be in as individuals or as team, when we don’t know that we don’t know but we believe we do know.”
“The most powerful affirmation doesn’t come from the conscious mind but from your Soul, an affirmation in which you are not trying to convince yourself of something you don’t believe, but rather you are becoming aware of the truth and the reality of what you truly are.”
“No act of knowledge acquisition is entirely without risk.”
“Now there are four chief obstacles in grasping truth, which hinder every man, however learned, and scarcely allow anyone to win a clear title to learning, namely, submission to faulty and unworthy authority, influence of custom, popular prejudice, and concealment of our own ignorance accompanied by an ostentatious display of our knowledge.”
“You cannot do anything with knowledge unless you know where it stops, and the costs of using it.”
“Send you infinite love into the world. Love is not a limited resource, it is infinite. There is no reason that you can’t show love to everything around you for any reason. Teach the world how wonderful love in the air feels. Teach the world to show love. Take action to make love a common knowledge.”
“There is no real distinction between who can and cannot be a teacher. All that matters is that this person should have knowledge of the subject matter, empathy and compassion with others, and, above all, a great sense of humor which is the true mark of wisdom.”
“There is no real distinction between who can and cannot be a teacher. All that matters is that this person should have knowledge of the subject matter, empath and compassion with others, and, above all, a great sense of humor which is the true mark of wisdom.”