All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Make time while you can take time cause time will soon take all you make.”
“The most dangerous phrase in the English language is, “We have always done it this way”.Many parents use this phrase to answer curious children. Many employees in organizations use this phrase to oppose change. Many people use this phrase to convince themselves so that they can continue to live in a comfort zone. This mindset has killed many dreams and aspirations and has derailed many successful journeys, for individuals as well as organizations. Never kill your curiosity. Never accept anything without asking questions. Something that had relevance 20 years ago, now has become irrelevant. There is always a first time in life. Something hasn’t happened till date, doesn’t mean it will never happen. Life is all about opening up us to new experiences.”
“Ignorance kills first.Then arrogance.”
“When you listen, you learn. But when you keep on talking, you miss the lessons you would have learnt from listening.”
“In order to see the sun shine, you have to walk through the rain”
“They will bloom when they’re ready.”
“Learn to respect your religion; then only you will do it with others”
“Someday is not a day of the week”
“A tap runs fast the first time you switch it on.”
“And in your opinion, the notion that everything works out in the end, and the counter-notion that nothing ever does, are both equally banal.”
“I want to be an adherent and a proponent of Stoicism. an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge; the wise live in harmony with the divine Reason (also identified with Fate and Providence) that governs nature, and are indifferent to the vicissitudes of fortune and to pleasure and pain.One thing bothers me though. If i stop enjoying the various pleasures of the carnal body, am i being ungrateful? Is not enjoying anything worth living for? One would argue that stoicism helps a person in enduring the hardships that life hurls upon a soul – it lead man towards anima; strengthens the pneuma. Being indifferent or not be able to experience the pleasures of the electric sensory impulses? I say it’s totes worth it because you can then be able to endure the pain of death itself.”
“Leave the past where it belongs and focus on where you’re going.”
“A petty person often misses out on what is pretty in life.”
“To be fruitful in life, you need to be thoughtful.”
“If you make each minute of your life fruitful, you will have nothing but a fruitful life.”