All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Do not sell yourself short, life is too short for that.”
“Until everything topples, we have no idea what we actually have, how precarously and perfectly it all hangs together.”
“In the end, everything will be OK. If you’re at a point in your life where everything is not OK, don’t worry. That just means it’s not the end.”
“They keep asking you to hide, cause it’s beautiful outside, they want you to miss that beauty”
“You remembered your past in cheerful terms because this validated your existence. You didn’t have to see your life as any kind of triumph – his own had hardly been that – but you did need to tell yourself that it had been interesting, enjoyable, purposeful.”
“Life teaches only those, who wish to learn.”
“Great ideas come from difficult places”
“Dela, të gjitha ngjarjet e mëdha të jetës paskan stacionet e tyre.Mos e harro kurrë këtë!”
“Anxiety,’ Kierkegaard wrote, in the middle of the nineteenth century, ‘is the dizziness of freedom.”
“Daring to ‘know thyself’ means daring to ‘destroy thyself’. First, we must pull ourselves apart. Then, with the same pieces, we will assemble a new Self.”
“In life even when we can’t choose whether we want something to happen, we can still choose how to do it, or at the very least, decide how to feel about it.”
“When everything is out of control, try patience to restore.”
“You can’t begin to live till you know what it means to die.”
“Your Subscription to Happiness Has Life Time Validity, Keep Smiling!”
“In questo mondo non c’è posto per le cose tristi. Nessun posto.”