All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Faith is the finest life.”
“Each soul knows its own sorrow.”
“Os homens irão deixar-te, a tua beleza irá desaparecer, os teus filhos irão crescer e partir e tudo o que pensaste ser a tua vida irá azedar; a única coisa com que podes contar é contigo mesma e com o teu talento.”
“الحياة هي الفناء ، والفناء هي الحياة . عليه أن يعرف أنّ رغبة الحياة متآكلة ، أنّ مولّد المشاعر هو انهيار المشاعر ، أنّ استعمال القوة هو نهاية القوّة”
“re: cutting glass…”You have to be in command of the glass, telling it where to release its hold on itself. Just like life. Otherwise it will splinter.”
“Vi ne možete zamisliti kakva bol i srdžba vas obuzme kad veliku ideju, koju odavno i visoko poštujete, dohvate nevešti ljudi i izvuku je na ulicu pred glupake kao što su sami, i najedanput je nađete na tržištu stareži, u prljavštini, naopako nameštenu, bez proporcije, bez harmonije- kao igračka kod nerazumne dece- i ne možete više da je poznate !”
“Me propongo a describir, con precisión, hechos que finalmente han provocado mi forzosa estadía en este manicomio con el insólito consentimiento de mi amadísima familia, alumnos, colegas y amistades, habiendo sido recluido específicamente en el pabellón de los personajes famosos, dignidad esta que rechazo de plano.”
“It’s the lost souls that lay the foundation for a better tomorrow, because those beings are not afraid to be lost, they are not afraid to fail, in the pursuit of something greater, something grander, than to just survive no different than the dogs do on the streets.”
“When you feel like giving up. Remember that every person gives up when they are 1 second away from their breakthrough and success. They give up when the hardest part is over, and they are about to reach the finish line.”
“Many people turn back on the road of life just because they mistakenly think that the road ends!”
“I abandoned the assigned problems in standard calculus textbooks and followed my curiosity. Wherever I happened to be–a Vegas casino, Disneyland, surfing in Hawaii, or sweating on the elliptical in Boesel’s Green Microgym–I asked myself, “Where is the calculus in this experience?”
“It isn’t fair, but maybe that’s the whole point. Fairness has no part in real life, and she took that lesson away from the Hotel Angeline with her.”
“No aprendas nada, y el próximo mundo será igual que éste, con las mismas limitaciones y pesos de plomo que superar”
“Not soon, as late as the approach of my ninetieth year, I felt a door opening in me and I entered the clarity of early morning. One after another my former lives were departing, like ships, together with their sorrow. And the countries, cities, gardens, the bays of seas assigned to my brush came closer, ready now to be described better than they were before.”
“He taught us that everyone has a good story and the more of others you understand, the better your grasp of human nature, a gift given great weight in my family” (73). – Bill Clinton, “Paying Attention”