All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Listen to the whispers or soon you will be listening to the screams.”
“Sometimes in life, a sudden situation, a moment in time, alters your whole life, forever changes the road ahead.”
“…sometimes what you go looking for isn’t as important as what you leave behind.”
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. But if you do, make new ones. Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice.”
“شكراً لتجربة الحياة القاسية، المعلم الأساسي لكل الانضباطات”
“Our eyes tell us what we want to believe, but our heart tells us only the simple truth”
“What it taught me was forgiveness. It taught me that when people present themselves in a certain way, there’s probably some back story or issue or reason for the way that they are. It’s not you. It’s them. And a lot of times, its about something that’s completely out of their control”
“يلزمك أن تُقدر قيمة حياتك ، وتستشعر هدف وجودك على سطح هذه الحياة ، كي تكون رقما صعبا فيها”
“An empress does not concern herself with the antics of fools”
“They all walk their own paths, live their own lives. A journey without farewells, a beginning without end. It is a little lonely, but that’s how it is”
“Under certain circumstances the fateful decisions in life, sometimes even in matters of life and death, are made with an almost indifferent ease. While the little things-for instance, the way people hang on to what is over-seem so important.”
“Bringing to light what had been hidden in darkness should not overwhelm you, but EDUCATE you.”
“Trovo la televisione molto educativa. Ogni volta che qualcuno la accende, vado in biblioteca e leggo un buon libro.”
“I’d always thought I would feel like an animal released from its cage when my student days were finished, I felt more like a bird that had been pushed from its nest and told it must fly.”
“Why did this keep happening? Why her? Perhaps there was some pheromone certain people omitted, perceivable only on a wavelength unique to those individuals who preyed on them.”