“Before you speak “THINK”T- Is it “True”?H- Is it “Humble”?I- Is it “Inspirational”?N- Is it “Natural”?K- Is it “Knowledgeable”?”

“I love you till I die!”

“How ironic? Your character, your moments, your happiness, your sorrows; your story will be revealed to you by nothing but Time that too in the end.”

“When happiness pours out of your heart, good pours out into the world.”

“I asked my heart to find me happiness. It brought me illumination.”

“Time is a scarce resource, to effectively maximize on it is by aknowledging that not everything important, is an immediate priority.”

“Problems in life are the practical lessons that life wants us to learn from.”

“The birds teach us something really profound: that in order to fly we must keep ourselves light!”

“True happiness is not found in people, places, or things. It is found in our own hearts.”

“Children can teach us more about spreading love, happiness, compassion, and about creating a beautiful world!”

“As I was staring at the reflection of myself in the mirror of the swanky coffee shop, a thought crossed my mind suddenly and without brakes; that one day I will be staring at the reflection of myself with more success under my belt!”

“Just as one would not fetch water from a disease infested river, likewise, do not fetch wisdom from one who is filled with wicked intentions.”