“Love is the seeking of a way of life. A way that cannot be sought alone. Poetry is the residence of all spiritual and physical things. Love is the transmitting of the acceptances of the things we find whilst we seek. Poetry is the blending of both love and art. Love is the giving of life, it is not charity, which is the giving of things. Poetry is the giving of self, it is the taking and giving of beauty. When combined, love and poetry colludes to turn on the light of our inner folds, done so with the appointed awareness of being in the presence of Source.”

“Life goes on, and people too. You don’t need to serve them to make people love you. We don’t need people in our life, we just use them. How many people in your past life, used you, used your mind, your energy, your time. Did you ever ask yourself about that?! They use us and we use them. Few are those who can’t use you, but usually, it’s very few. My message to the world, to every human being, to every child, woman, girl and a boy, to every religious man, to the atheists and all who are living in this earth: You are better when you focus on yourself, you are beautiful when you make yourself better, you are genius when you start to make the change on yourself, you are strong when you decide to fight alone. You are a human being when you stop thinking as an animal. You are and you’ll still as you are and if you didn’t change what you really are, don’t complain to nature or even to the universe Because the problem is you, you have all the solutions within you.”

“If you never wished you were an ass, you are most probably an ass.”

“Some things in life you can’t get away from. You can’t outrun fate. Your feet can try but you’ll still be in the universe’s version of a hamster wheel. Running, but not getting anywhere.”

“گاهی من یقین ندارم کی حق داره به فلان ادم چه وقت دیوونس، چه وقت نیس. گاهی پیش خودم میگم هیچ کدوم ما دیوونه ی دیونه نیست ، هیچ کدومم عاقل عاقل نیستیم، تا روزی که باقی ما با حرف هامون تکلیفش را معلوم کنیم. مثل این که قضیه این نیست که ادم چه کاری میکنه ، قضیه اینه که اکثریت مردم چجوری به کارش نگاه میکنند.”

“L’homme doit triompher de son malheur, de son infortune et de sa propre désespérance.”

“Give A Child Some Measure Of Confidence And You Have Caused Him To Stand On Equal Footing With His Counterparts…”

“I realized that the knowledge I gained over this period in my life was power, and it felt like a waste not to share that wealth with the world, with people who could benefit,”

“Why should you consider a quest? Because your life is good, but you don’t feel completely fulfilled. You long for a challenge that requires you to develop new muscles and acquire new skills, and if you’re willing to work for it, you can find it … or perhaps even better, you can create it for yourself.”

“I am continually coming back to the belief that I know nothing, or that there are much deeper places to go with what I think I know. It’s liberating, actually. I don’t think the biggest questions can be answered with any certainty. I’m becoming more and more peaceful not knowing.”

“Damaged people wear masks. They’relike the burglars who wear them whilerobbing banks. It’s just that they wear amask of smile, rob us of our happiness,cause they aren’t filled with it.”

“It is the fairness of life that makes it seem unfair.”

“When there is no personal responsibility in any society, there cannot be a responsible government.”

“Ignorance is a very useful weapon in the hands of the devil against humanity, especially Christians.”

“There is always a great price to pay for irresponsibility.”