All Quotes By Tag: Literature
“Mother used to say that however miserable one is, there’s always something to be thankful for. And each morning, when the sky brightened and light began to flood my cell, I agreed with her.”
“A breeze, a forgotten summer, a smile, all can fit into a storefront window.”
“Comedy aims at representing men as worse, Tragedy as better than in actual life.”
“It’s not all bad. Heightened self-consciousness, apartness, an inability to join in, physical shame and self-loathing—they are not all bad. Those devils have been my angels. Without them I would never have disappeared into language, literature, the mind, laughter and all the mad intensities that made and unmade me.”
“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don’t we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we’re partisans of liberty, then it’s our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”
“Oh! it is absurd to have a hard-and-fast rule about what one should read and what one shouldn’t. More than half of modern culture depends on what one shouldn’t read.”
“So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs, however, are known to favor the stretch in between, since it’s the hardest to do anything with. That’s about all that can be said for plots, which anyway are just one thing after another, a what and a what and a what.”
“Write what you know. That should leave you with a lot of free time.”
“Puns are the highest form of literature.”
“Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.”
“The purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink.”
“Language is the key to the heart of people.”
“إن الأدب يؤدي إلي تغيير إنساني يجعل الإنسان أكثر رقيا وأكثر رحابة ويعمل علي زيادة معرفة النفس البشرية، كما يجعل الإنسان يفهم الآخرين قبل الحكم عليهم”
“No man is offended by another man’s admiration of the woman he loves; it is the woman only who can make it a torment.”
“In the end, you have to choose whether or not to trust someone.”