“And the memories of all we have loved stay and come back to us in the evening of our life. They are not dead but sleep, and it is well to gather a treasure of them.”

“The problem with falling in love is falling back out of it again, usually because you’ve fallen in love with a lie. That happens as often as not.”

“I don’t particularly believe all love is doomed. But I guess, one is usually kinda suffering from some aborted love affair or association, rather than being at the peak of one. I think it’s fairly obvious that a lot more suffering goes on in the name of love than the little happiness you can squeeze out of it.”

“And even when they refuse to listen, I’ll keep talking anyway, hoping on a slim chance that the things inside my head are worth something to someone.”

“It’s a dangerous thing when you have love without faith and trust… No one wants to feel unsure when they give their heart away.”

“The problem with thick skin is that it leaves you impervious to the sharpest of pins. Everything becomes dull. But without that sense of pain, there cannot be that sense of relief. Ultimately, the thickened skin leaves you numb, incapable of feeling the highs and lows of life. It leaves you rough like a rock and just as inanimate.”

“Just because the boat rocks doesn’t mean it’s time to jump overboard.”

“Too many people miss out on real love because they’re too busy waiting for the ONE to show up”

“Have a big enough heart to love unconditionally, and a broad enough mind to embrace the differences that make each of us unique.”

“There are some kinds of wounds you can get, internal injuries. You don’t know what’s wrong with you, but you’re bleeding to death slowly inside.”

“If I had learned anything in my life about love, it was that they were tenous things that could end at any moment. Caution was essential-but not at the cost of risking your life”

“Even seasonal situations can bring with them lessons that last a lifetime. If the love doesn’t last, it prepares you for the one that will.”

“Never knew what a friendship was, Never knew how to really love, You can’t be what I need you to, & I don’t know why I fuck with you”

“Sometimes I think if I could do all the things that I stopped doing, meet all the friends that I left due to time, money and other unavoidable circumstances. Continue all my passions at least once. Then my life would be more justified than today. Then I could be finally at peace at the time I finally leave this world”