All Quotes By Tag: Marriage
“If you love me you never let go of me.”
“If all the women over the world have been permitted to be married to only one man, except one woman. He’d love to marry that woman. That is the imprint of man”
“Every relationship that has hit a crossroads has asked, “What is it that you want from me?”
“You can get married in an hour, but it typically takes a year to get divorced.”
“Only with time do we really learn who the other person is and come to love the person for him- or herself and not just for the feelings and experiences they give us.”
“In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie.[Dedication to Sagan’s wife, Ann Druyan, in Cosmos]”
“When I hear that “Possession is the grave of love,” I remember that a religion may begin with the resurrection.”
“Through love, tribes have been intermixing colors to reveal a new rainbow world. And as more time passes, this racial and cultural blending will make it harder for humans to side with one race, nation or religion over another.”
“It was masturbation, not willpower, that made it possible for gazillions of women to walk down the aisle with their reputation and their hymen still intact.”
“Some women have been faking orgasms for so long that they sometimes fake one when they are masturbating.”
“It is a pity he did not write in pencil. As you have no doubt frequently observed, the impression usually goes through — a fact which has dissolved many a happy marriage.”
“What can a man do for a woman while she live her life? You can only show her that you love her.”
“May you always have the answers to each other’s most important questions.”
“Sometimes you have to look at it like this. If that’s the chick he married, no wonder it didn’t work out with you.”
“The real substance is at the bottom of the sea. That’s where the mystery unfolds. The deepest part of your heart is like the deepest part of the ocean, and when someone is brave enough to go there, it’s worth sharing the treasures buried deeply within.”