All Quotes By Tag: Meditation
“Some situations are just like bad dreams, they’re only unbearable while we’re giving them our full attention.”
“The only recourse for an escape artist from world affairs is to explore their inner sanctum where hopes, dreams, insecurities, and despair collide.”
“Some of us live in the future,Connected to hurts from our past,If tomorrow is colored by bitter regret,Then today has been painted blackSome of us live in the presentConnected to gifts from our past,If tomorrow is colored by purposeful thought,the today’s masterpiece has been cast.”
“Daily mediation is great to build a self confidence, peace of mind, and strong trust in God, the Divine Being.”
“Life is hard but it never loses its grace. If you aren’t hard enough you cannot live but if you’re not tender you don’t deserve to be alive.”
“A state of being, meaning a breath which is connected to now.”
“If you decide to walk for others be prepared to carry them for many miles.”
“The freed self searches for the bright star that unlocks the doors of peace and rebirth.”
“Embrace your imperfections. We are not machines.”
“We are all spawned from the same great canvas yet we lose ourselves through the melding of vistas.”
“You have creative control in this life: Choose Love over fear, Choose Hope over despair.”
“Compassion is the religion of the heart.”
“We all have issues & we have usually come by them honestly.”
“That’s why it’s called a practice. We have to practice a practice if it is to be of value.”
“The extent of my existence seen is not me.. I am boundless, immeasurable, I am infinite.”