“Back then we gave it our all, we neither lied nor made mistakes, we didn’t fail and didn’t do anything wrong.It’s just that…TIME has passed and changed it all.”

“I’m the girl that goes backwards, takes wrong turns, stumbles in the dark. I’m also the girl that finds gold where others feared to stray. Perhaps because I follow my heart instead of sage advice thrown my way. I don’t want to become numb by always playing it safe. Many of our most cherished times happen when we shatter the damn box, step off the safety zone and listen to the sound of our soul.”

“There are no failures, if you learn and grow from your mistakes; there are only lessons learned.”

“Make mistakes, a thousand of them because we are only humans.Never repeat your mistakes because we are humans.”

“Without the mess, who treasure the mercy of the Maker?”

“Technically, all tattoos are temporary, even permanent ones.”

“It’s important to remember that regret is a difficult teacher, but class is optional.”

“We all make mistakes, the danger lies in letting those mistakes make us. Make us believe we can’t put things right. Make us think there’s no hope. Make us give up.”

“For this reason, it is well said that misfortune is sometimes good for something, for it teaches at the same time that it hurts.”

“Realize, rise and act – make mistakes, fall hard, then rise again and try again.”

“Err my friend, but be not defeated and keep on moving.”

“The only difference between a grown-up’s mistake and a child’s is the size of the consequence.”

“No matter how loud the sirens or how numerous the hazard signs, we all touch the flames at least once to prove they’re hot.”

“Do you think there is heaven or hell? he signed.‘I don’t know. Not in the Christian way, if that’s what you mean. I think people have a right to believe in whatever they want. I just don’t.’…If someone came in here and gave you positive proof, would you do anything different?She shook her head. ‘I think it’s just as likely that someone could say that this place, right here, is heaven, hell and earth all at the same time. And we still wouldn’t know what to do differently. Everyone just muddles through, trying not to make too many mistakes.”