“Time is always passing whether we use it or not. Choose to use your time.”

“If you go with the flow, life will take you where it pleases, good or bad. If you take charge and fight, you can go anywhere that you please.”

“Another method of handling a perceived negative energy is to temporarily remove yourself emotionally and physically, from the situation.”

“No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then become “Successful”.”

“You can do it. That thing you just thought of, you can do it.”

“There is something vibrantly beautiful, a glow, that radiates from someone who is actively moving towards their goals and dreams. I’m not sure what it is, but I know I love it, I’m attracted to it, and I surround myself with people who have it. The courageous few who dare to radiate this life essence… those are my people.”

“Learning, empowering, studying, practicing, and not repeating the same mistakes will help you move forward, move up, and move on to where you want to be.”

“Don’t wait for the right time to start something… Start NOW!!! Don’t wait for someone to teach you something… Learn YOURSELF!!! If you want something… genuinely… Put your heart in it and TRY ONCE!!! You may fail… But you’ll be satisfied that you tried your best for it!! Be Passionate… Be Dedicated… Conquer your Dreams!!!”

“A Lion that hunts for survival in the jungle does not envy the one being fed in a zoo”

“You can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future, but you can sure as hell contribute to the quality of your today.”

“Deep breath. Positive thought. Firm resolve. Now go out there and grab that dream with your name already on it.”

“This is my year. The year I will matter. The year I will take care of me. The year I will conquer my fears. The year I will feed my soul as well as my pleasures. It’s a year that does not end after 365 days. It will never end because I will never quit trying to be better.”

“Autumn is the time of year when Mother Nature says, “Look how easy, how healthy, and how beautiful letting go can be.”

“Your body is the most complete and miraculous piece of gym equipment you’ll ever need.”