“Alex es como un arma de destrucción masiva, pero con encanto.”

“Misha, my best friend who got me into bed and fucked me with a lie.”

“I’m the guy who knows how you can hurt so much that your insides feel like they’re cut and bleeding.”

“Sometimes there’s no cure for the crazy.” Dale sighed, stroking my hair. “I think we all just have to keep loving through it. Maybe that’s the cure.”

“Todo lo que puedo hacer es esperar, dejar pasar los días. El tiempo no lo cura todo, esa es una mentira que se repiten los que están desesperados por olvidar, pero sí consigue poner en espera los sentimientos y las emociones. Apartas los recuerdos y los recluyes en una zona de tu mente a la que, con suerte, solo accedes en esas noches en las que te cuesta conciliar el sueño. Al final, logras vivir y seguir adelante aunque sepas que hay una parte de ti que malvive como puede. Haces balance y llegas a la conclusión de que eres más o menos feliz, y procuras no mirar atrás.”

“Debería haber sabido que no se puede huir de lo que eres, y que si quieres que las cosas sean distintas tienes que empezar por cambiar tu forma de verlas y enfrentarte a ellas.”

“Fuck me,” I whispered, giving him permission, taking him into my flesh, a soft invitation to madness.”

“Is it possible to love someone so completely, so intensely, they could never die? To give them more than just your heart or your soul? What if you could give then the miracle of immortality?”

“The world isn’t always what’s right in front of you, you know? It’s below, it’s above, it’s out there somewhere. Every burn of every light inside every house I see when I look down from the rooftop has a story. Sometimes we just need to change our perspective. And when I look down at everything, I remember that there’s more out there than just what’s going on in my house—the bullshit with my dad, school, my future. I look at all those full houses, and I remember, I’m just one of many. It’s not to say we’re not special or important, but it’s comforting, I guess. You don’t feel so alone.”

“Does he tell you that you’re allhe thinks about? Does he tell you that he lives for you?That he breathes for you? That he dreams of you everydamn moment, awake and asleep? Does he tell you anyof that?’ He pauses to look at me and I try to keep a blankface. ‘No, I didn’t think so,’ he says quietly.”

“I’m going to hell. I’m pretty sure she’d going to drag me there herself.”

“Me pregunté si no habría personas destinadas a encontrarse fuera cuáles fueran las decisiones que tomasen, si esa leyenda que hablaba de un hilo rojo que conecta a dos almas gemelas no sería verdad.”

“I love you, and it’s not the kind of love that wavers. It’s the scary kind that doesn’t fade. I look at you, and I see not just everything I want for my life, but everything I am, because you took the emptiest, dark pits of my soul and filled them with you. You are as much part of me as my own heart, and it doesn’t beat without you.”

“I know you. Inside and out, Sara. I know you, and I’ve accepted it all. Every bit of the crazy. And I love you anyway remember?”

“A laugh jumps out of my mouth, surprising me. I can’t even remember the last time I laughed and it puts me on edge. I suddenly want to do the same thing to her. Let her see how it feels to teeter on that cliff.”