All Quotes By Tag: Philosophy
“I am pain stricken to say that, various “educational” institutions have adopted the medieval doctrine “fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom” as their motto. Let me tell you this, fear of the Lord, Santa Claus, Krishna, Thor, Hulk or any other imaginary being brings merely the illusion of wisdom, not wisdom. And illusion of wisdom is a billion times more harmful than lack of wisdom.”
“The philosophy of a person speaks of what dictates or governs how and what someone believes.”
“Whatever your passion, make sure you hold unto a philosophy that is bigger and greater than you.”
“When we live each day with kindness, compassion, and communicative love, there is no business left unfinished. There are no regrets or words we should have said, but didn’t. There is no need for closure or forgiveness or apology of any kind.”
“God can make a cow out of a tree, but has He ever done so? Therefore show some reason why a thing is so, or cease to hold that it is so.”
“A good man shares his knowledge selflessly with everyone.”
“On a basic level- everything we say- essentially anything that comes out of our mouths is a rationalisation in some form or another”
“A philosopher’s main task is to compulsively filibuster”
“I was well-read but perhaps that only made me stupid.”
“Acquiring knowledge through the centuries has influenced human society more than all other factors.”
“If you don’t know the purpose of your life, there is no point in living”
“The reason we are not moving forward , progressing or being successful is the hate we have for one another. Is the jealousy we have for others. We choose to destroy what they have build or worked hard for, rather than building our own things. I just hope that today you will chose to build yourself than to destroy others.”
“I am not afraid to die, but I am afraid not to live.”
“When you feel like giving up. Remember that every person gives up when they are 1 second away from their breakthrough and success. They give up when the hardest part is over, and they are about to reach the finish line.”
“I was transformed the dayMy ego shattered,And all the superficial, materialThings that matteredTo me before,Suddenly ceasedTo matter.”