“The price of ignorance is usually a life of frustration and destruction.”

“We cannot be indifferent to the evil in our society.”

“We have to lend our voice to Christ by speaking on His behalf.”

“The difficulties of people should be our business.”

“Everything in the society that is wrong is our responsibility to fix.”

“We have to confront ignorance in our nation.”

“If it is God’s business, then it should be your business.”

“Irresponsibility is a sin with a high price tag.”

“God has no business with irresponsible people.”

“The only area of strength for Satan’s rulership is in our area of ignorance.”

“When people refuse to pay the price of personal responsibility for the problems of the nation, these same people end up paying the high price of irresponsibility, which is often in tragedy and sorrow.”

“If there is anything the devil will want to keep you from having, it is knowledge.”

“Jesus had the ministry of light (knowledge).”

“It is our business to restore the earth back to God through the principles of the Kingdom.”