“The longer you hold on to your anger, the more damage & harm it can do. But I think life should have given us someone who could understand every feeling we hide behind our smile. A best friend maybe…. Someone, you feel comfortable with.”

“Be the girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be classy, be smart, be real, but most importantly be nice.”

“Life introduces us to the gentle, cosmic rhythms of an extraneous world. What is objective truth might exceed human capacity to ever fully perceive, comprehend, and explain.”

“Specific knowledge is needed in every work, if we want to have success”

“Only a very foolish person would think that specialized knowledge is important in everything apart from agriculture and farming”

“People who desire to acquire success need to have knowledge”

“The only obstacle is the absence of the knowledge in our minds of the wisdom of God that is able to move any mountain”

“We have to continually grow in the knowledge of Christ, in order to avoid every limitation of our human understanding, and allow the Lordship of God’s information, which is hidden in His wisdom”

“A lack of knowledge always leads to defeat and destruction”

“Never shy away from telling those you love how you feel about them.You will never know if you will have another chance…”

“Sometime we fail to differ the diamond from glass piece. We mistakenly miss the diamond which is on the road or under our feet. But we also mistakenly run for the glass piece in the jewelry shop. When we mistakenly buy a glass piece as a diamond with high price then we regret for the life time. What have we done for buying the fake one?”

“People see what they want to see. People say what they like to say. People hear what they always try to listen. People always in busy to put you down or break you down. They won’t give you the courage to go ahead. They always after you and try their best to end you. But never give up. Never let yourself down. You should and must keep it in your mind.”

“Sometimes it’s best not to examine someone’s intentions, and just take them for the asshole they really are.”