“All of sudden I cared what someone thought of me. Because we are friends. And making you miserable and angry makes me miserable and angry. I don’t want to be the person to make you mad or cry, Ryiah. I want to make you laugh. I want you to make me laugh, because gods know you are the only one who can. So, yes, I am sorry, I am sorry because even if I was right, I was also wrong. And I’d rather lose a silly battle than your friendship.”

“The sweatshirt was big on her and she looked ridiculous. He liked it. And he liked that she was wearing something that carried his scent.”

“People make mistakes all the time – some of us just are in more of a position to leave an impact when we do.”

“I love being aroused.I relish that delicious feeling of freedom, the delirium of being naked, and my flesh being born again. It’s like I’m being made new.”

“«Deja de pensar en cosas duras», me reprendí. Mantuve la vista alta, solo para evitar tentaciones.”

“1. Romantic: One who ruthlessly believes in love in its finest form and impresses those feelings onto his or her various relationships. May result in scaring off partners, falling for the wrong person, and desperately trying to turn life into a movie with glamorous Old Hollywood actors. May also result in some of the best, most inspiring, and deepest relationships around.”

“Ari era el único lugar en el que quería estar. Ella era mi hogar.”

“For all the awkward girls that think they’re alone.You’re not.”

“There was no way to tell their mothers the truth and make them believe it, that hearts that loved boys and girls were no more reckless or easily won than any other heart. They loved who they loved. They broke how they broke. And the way it happened depended less on what was under their lovers’ clothes and more on what was wrapped inside their spirits. What secret halls and trapdoors their sounds held, and what each one hid and guarded.”

“Shouldering the duffel bag with the Marine Corps bulldog, Old Man knocked Jan’s photo off the bed table. He turned to stone staring down at the photo. His face then splintered into hurt. Tears seeped into his eyes. He grappled for the nearest bedpost and slumped forward on extended arms. His shoulders jerked and head sagged a little while his heart broke. Old Man cried the mute cry of men of his generation.”

“Nicholas: I know you, brother. You’ve been threatened with matrimonial pursuits before. Why are you really here?William: I received an invitation.Nicholas: Not from me you didn’t.William: Of course not from you, brother. Parliament would go up in flames before I receive a social invitation from you. ”

“They kissed in the middle of the sidewalk, letting the crowds of people flow around them like water around an island.”

“Do you think someone can change? Like maybe in a year or two? Like, do you think if maybe two people aren’t right for each other right now, maybe they could be later?”

“Your poetry–it doesn’t deserve to be locked away, hidden from the rest of the world. And neither do you.”