“The past may not last, but it leaves behind endless scars.”

“Time heals everything, that’s what everyone says. Wounds heal and leave only scars behind. But some wounds run too deep to heal, and pierce the deepest layers of one’s soul. They stay there unhealed and ready to ooze blood at the first sign of grief.”

“Time heals all wounds. But not this one. Not yet.”

“Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.”

“It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”

“The moon stays beautiful with its cratersSo why then are you afraid of your scars?”

“Where you see scars I see artWhere you see flawsI see incredible beauty Where you see failuresI see knowledge and growth Everything is perception You see with your eyesI see with my soul It’s how you rock And how I roll.”

“My scars? They are proof that I tore into this world and it tore into me. They are a receipt for time purposefully spent. They are the memories I proudly point to while others timidly speak of their dreams.”

“I don’t want to heal you. I want to love you until your scars merge with the love bites on your skin.”

“If happiness left scars on our bodies, we would never forget about all the glorious moments we’ve been blessed with.”

“And in the end,she left a scarand I knew that washow she wanted tobe remembered.She wanted to leaveher mark in theworldwithout gettingher heart tooattached to it.”

“Yes, my scars shape meToday, I have learnt to coverit with fabric made of hope, faith, perseverance, and determination. For this, I am grateful to life”

“A fighter never gives up. His scars are his ornaments. He may never be whole, yet he’s bigger than all his battles and beautiful, even in his brokenness.”

“Faith is about going through hell, coming out with some scars, and becoming a wiser person from the lessons you’ve learned along the way. You must take the scars of your past and appreciate them for what they have taught you. You also have to take the scars, the lessons of your past and not let them control your future….”

“Scars are but evidence of life,” Coquette said. “Evidence of choices to be learned from…evidence of wounds…wounds inflicted of mistakes…wounds we choose to allow the healing of. We likewise choose to see them, that we may not make the same mistakes again.”