All Quotes By Tag: Self-help
“Although sometimes the road to success follows a path less-travelled, a path less-travelled often leads to nowhere”
“Don’t waste time defending your intentions. History will judge you by the outcomes of your actions”
“The ability to differentiate between life challenges and who you are at the core is everything. A failed business, relationship or dream doesn’t make you a failure as a person.”
“Dreams hit the fan? Life unexpectedly take a turn for the worst? Here’s what you do:First thing I think is to realize God didn’t do this to you. It’s just life.Second, know that it sucks. It does.Third, it’s a tunnel not a cave.Fourth, it still sucks.Fifth, it’s not hopeless. Assign meaning to it. Choose for these horrible things to bring you closer to family and god and not farther apart.Praying for you”
“If you believe in yourself, you will soar high in the heavenly haven.”
“Don’t give up too soon. If you persevere you will succeed.”
“I have learned this important lesson: no one really knows what he or she is doing. The difference between the people who go for it and the people who don’t? The people who go for it just ignore the fact that they don’t know what they’re doing.”
“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your well-being first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”
“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your wellbeing first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”
“Being a person who pushes himself to his or her own limits in order to become as great as he or she can possibly be means being a person who is constantly faced with some kind of fear. May it be mental or physical, may you be an athlete or a writer, YOU are facing fear, every single day, by doing something your mind or body never did before. But by overcoming that fear you take one step higher on the ladder, and the goal is to take those steps every single day.”
“Failure brings a climax in which one has the privilege of clearing his mind of fear and making a new start in another direction.”
“Success is not the result of an single quality; it’s about alignment between who you are and where you choose to be.”
“The more I attempted to escape through self-consultation, self-help therapies, psychology, psychiatry, and self-analysis, the more frustrated I became.”
“My God can do it! My God will do it! My God wants to do it! My God has done it!”
“No circumstance is uncommon to a man.”