“Many people measure their self-worth based on how much money they make… once one is able to provide for basic physical needs (food shelter, and so on), the correlation between happiness and worldly success quickly approaches zero. …The other issue with overvaluing material success is the danger of prioritizing it over other values, such as honesty, nonviolence, and compassion.”

“It is easy to enter every moment of a day so burdened down as we try to carry all of our hopes and fears for that day, that we miss the good in every moment. Every moment is worth investing a full moment in. How we approach every moment matters. Shakespeare said in Antony and Cleopatra, “Give me my robe. Put on my crown. I have immortal longings in me.” Our innermost longing is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and we share that longing with everyone else. Connection comes most intimately from looking for that innermost longing in others and ourselves. Love says, as Jordan Peterson wrote, “I want the best, for what wants the best in you.” We ought to love ourselves and want the best for what wants the best in us. There is a longing inside to love without reserve or limits and allow ourselves to be loved with ultimate vulnerability.We are more than what we can hide behind a mask, and there is no reason we should try to hide it. We are not the chemical mess we feel like at times, we are amazing—we defy the law of the universe that says all things trend towards chaos and emptiness. Walt Whitman said, “I am not contained between my hat and my boots.” We are not contained between our fears and our past experiences either. We are born with awareness, imagination and will-power, and combined with any other awareness, imagination and will-power both will be increased; that is the value of connecting. What we are born with is all we have or need to give. You were born worthy of connection, don’t ever second guess it!Yes, it may be dangerous to open up and let people into our life, but it is fatal to attempt to keep people out. Choose love, choose to see the goodness in life unbiasedly wherever it may be, and choose to make life better for yourself and everyone, whether or not anyone else wants to help.It is very normal and understandable to want to feel heard, seen and appreciated; at some point however, we have to make the decision to say what most merits hearing, do what is most worth seeing, and give what is most worth appreciating, whether or not anyone sees, hears or appreciates it. There is a saying that “integrity is how you act when you think no one is looking.” I say that character is what we do despite all that would sway us otherwise, whether that be potential for fame or fear of insignificance.”No positive effort is so small that good things won’t come from it, so do it!”

“I am not here for the men of this world–not as a scapegoat or a baby-maker, and certainly not solely for their sexual satisfaction. My purpose is far greater than shallow bullshit.”

“It wasn’t only until recently, while training my own mindset, that I realized, “How can I give what I do not have?”

“How can I look my children in the eye and tell them to go discover their own greatness, when I don’t even believe it exists within me?”

“We need to shake up our definition of greatness and make sure it does not become a limitation.”

“Why the double standard? Why do so many of us easily believe in our children’s greatness but struggle to see our own?”

“Evolution: We are betraying the stars That died to bring us to life As we walk with heads down Born from trouble and strife We can be more When we realize that we were never less And be the fairy godmother to the gemstones We veil within our chest.”

“Every person have own beauty but more beauty comes from the personality of a person”

“Make a pledge to yourself right now, to declare that you are worth your time and energy.”

“No one is able to change your lifeOnly You are Because you are the only one Who is aware from your thinking and hidden potential”

“True confidence is not about what you take from someone to restore yourself, but what you give back to your critics because they need it more than you do.”

“The Greatest achievement of a human being is to one day realize that they are and have always been connected to a universal soul, that they are more powerful and more capable than they have ever imagined, that they are not insignificant evolutionary happenings but instead the architects of their entire worldly experience!”