All Quotes By Tag: Sociology
“Those who have no knowledge are often willing to occupy influential positions with the aim of acquiring every possible benefit.”
“If you cannot solve a problem, ask someone who knows.”
“Use two-way communication on oral exams to check the students’ knowledge, not their attitudes. Checking attitudes can lead to the slippery area of subjective assessment.”
“In general, people accumulate knowledge gradually over a long period of time. However, there are extraordinary people all around us, who are capable of accumulating impressive amounts of knowledge within a relatively short period of time. Nevertheless, even the greatest genius possesses only a small fraction of all knowledge known by mankind. Finally, the following question arises: how large is all the existing knowledge in comparison to the space of ignorance?”
“In general, sharing and using things decreases their value. However, knowledge increases by implementation and especially by sharing among people.”
“Openness to change is key to implementing new knowledge. That is why one who is indifferent to change is not a friend of knowledge.”
“There is a huge difference between thinking we know something and actually knowing something.”
“A good man shares his knowledge selflessly with everyone.”
“Acquiring knowledge through the centuries has influenced human society more than all other factors.”
“Nearly every inspirational story out there is about a person who breaks away from his or her background or community – where the best is clearly defined and is not them – and goes off and becomes the best somewhere else. – Of Effortless Effort”
“In reality, there is no highway to success. Therefore, be prepared for difficulties.”
“Success and failure are relative categories. Therefore, do not exult in victory and do not despair after defeat. Accept the changes in life placidly, knowing that autumn and winter come after summer.”
“O comportamento ritual não só revela realidades práticas e mundanas, é também um teatro vivo da psicologia colectiva e uma das mais ricas expressões da ideologia e crenças – mentalidade – de uma sociedade. Afinal de contas, como os antropólogos notaram, a religião é mais do que um padrão de relações sociais: é uma expressão da capacidade humana para imaginar a estrutura da sociedade. O ritual religioso não é apenas construção cultural: é uma forma de cognição que constrói modelos de realidade e paradigmas de comportamento. E dentro deste processo pelo qual a realidade é definida, o ritual da morte joga um papel central.”
“Most human beings would have never been pained by the death of a human being if they had never seen a human being or pretending to be pained by that.”
“What makes the prospect of death distinctive in the modern age is the background of permanent technological and sociological revolution against which it is set, and which serves to strip us of any possible faith in the permanence of our labours. Our ancestors could believe that their achievements had a chance of bearing up against the flow of events. We know time to be a hurricane. Our buildings, our sense of style, our ideas, all of these will soon enough be anachronisms, and the machines in which we now take inordinate pride will seem no less bathetic than Yorick’s skull.”