“What is the definition of Gnan [true knowledge]? It is that which must be present without fail when needed. Who should be the one imparting this Knowledge? It is not acceptable coming from any ordinary person. It must be from one whose speech has power (vachanbad), so that it will be present when needed. The Gnan [Knowledge] has to present itself, otherwise the work cannot be accomplished.”

“As long as one is the doer of the actions, there is agnan [all other knowledge other than one’s own true self, wordly knowledge]. Agnan is the cause for the worldly life.”

“The ‘information’ one receives from within, shows credit [punya] and debit [paap] karmas. All the Knowledge-Vision is present within. Everything can be Known from within but only as long as you do not create obstructions. If you were to cross-over [violate] it, then the ‘information’ will stop coming through.”

“The actions carried out with ignorance of the Self [agnan bhaav, ignorance intent] is all bondage. Every action done with the awareness of I am pure Soul [gnan bhaav, knowledge intent], will grant liberation.”

“Only Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) will give liberation. All other instruments (& practices) create bondage.”

“That which the entire world regards as ‘mine’, it is [really] ‘not mine’; this Knowledge itself is the Self, the Soul.”

“There are two types of knowledge. One is about what is right and wrong, what is helpful and harmful in this world, and the second is about the path to final Liberation (Moksha). The one who attains the knowledge about Moksha will indeed get the knowledge about what is helpful and harmful in the world. Or else, there should be saints around who know about what is helpful and harmful in this world.”

“This ‘Knowledge’ manifested in 1958! That day I became a ‘Gnani’ (the enlightened one)! The day before that, ‘I’ too was agnani (ignorant of the Self), wasn’t I?”

“Where there is competition, one cannot attain (true) ‘Knowledge’.”

“Circumstances will change but (True) Knowledge [Gnan] will not change.”

“Worldly knowledge (laukik gnan) is called illusion (bhranti).”

“Worldly knowledge (laukik gnan) is understood through the intellect (buddhi). Knowledge of that which is beyond the world (alaukik gnan) cannot be understood through the intellect. That is understood through ‘Gnan’ [Knowledge of the Real Self].”

“Worldly things (laukik) are perceived through the senses (indriya-gamya). That, which is beyond the world (alaukik), is perceived [through the knowledge which is] beyond the senses (atindriya-gamya).”

“When one gathers all the books of all worldly religions, when one beholds (dharan) them, then the phenomenon of religious upholding (dharma dharan) occurs. When that religious upholding becomes 100% strong, then the essence [marma] begins to manifest. When the essence becomes 100% strong, then the extract of the Knowledge [gnanark] begins to manifest. Here, we make you ‘drink’ (absorb) directly, the ‘Extract of the Knowledge’.”

“When can one’s soul acknowledge (accept)? When one has an ‘open mind’. This [Akram Vignan] is not something one has to keep faith in. Faith should arise automatically. Regardless of whether I rebuke or scold you, even then faith should come within you.”