All Quotes By Tag: Storms-of-life-quotes
“Mindset is everything. Like the eye of a storm -find the sunshine and calm within you, even if there is chaos outside of you.”
“If you watch carefully the storms of your life, there you will often see your own mistakes as the architect of these storms!”
“Taking shelter is better than cursing a storm.”
“It is a ship that fights the storm, but its architect who gets all the praise.”
“It is better to endure a storm than to run to the wrong shelter.”
“God hands the sky a storm and the sky hands God back a rainbow. Be likewise.”
“A sailor is distinguished by the number of storms he has overcome.”
“Love your storms; they bring more than rain, they bring sunshine.”
“Storms strengthen you more than sunshine.”
“If you waste time looking at the storm, you might miss the sunshine.”
“The storm is the test, the sunshine is its reward.”