“…rarely do the ‘significant events’ in our lives change us. At least, not in any way we want. The people who suffer tragedy and go on to greatness? They’re the stuff of movies and TV shows and books, and–only very rarely–real life. Most of us just go on, the walking wounded, dealing with our lives. This doesn’t make us bad–it just means we’re not superheroes. It means we’re just people, like everyone else.”

“Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival.”

“As I began examining my successes and failures, what I gradually realized was that the very same activities that had rescued me from failure, that had carried me from the failure line up to the survival line, would also rescue me from average and carry me from the survival line to the success line-IF I WOULD JUST KEEP DOING THEM.”

“When you spend time, you exchange your life for survival”

“Don’t be too comfortable with survival instincts”

“Getting a job is not the only way to survive”

“While you are busy looking for a job, and trying to survive, someone else is multiplying his gifts and creating value in products and services”

“To realize the value of one second, ask a person who has survived an accident”

“Work is not designed for survival; neither is it designed for salary”

“SimpleComplex systems can arisefrom simple rules.It’s notthat we want to survive,it’s that we’ve been druggedand made to actas if we dowhile all the whilethe sea breaksand rolls, painlessly, under.If we’re not copying it,we’re lonely.Is this the knowledgethat demands to bepassed down?Time is made from swatchesof heaven and hell.If we’re not killing it,we’re hungry.”

“As time goes by, as time goes by, the whip-crack of the years, the precipice of illusions, the ravine that swallows up all human endeavour except the struggle to survive.”

“All I feel is rubatosis whenever I see cancer patients who’re undergoing some forms of chemotherapy and have decided to shave their heads to avoid the potential mess of waking up someday to see a lock of hair on their pillows. I just hope they all get a second chance at life as life after a cancer diagnosis can still be meaningful and productive. Cancer is beatable, treatable and you can survive it!”

“I have always believed in the principle that immediate survival is more important than long-term survival.”