“There is no progress without a change of position”

“Until you begin to convert your time, greatness will elude you”

“There is not limitation in God. But there is limitation in you”

“Some moments are beyond the power of time for some feelings affect us for life and some pains never truly heal.”From He wrote Lily.”

“God works because of His integrity”

“God is working because of His faithfulness to His word”

“If you invest your time, you cannot live a life of mediocrity”

“If you maximize your time, you will stand before kings and not mere men”

“God created everything to function after His nature”

“If you believe in God, there are added advantages”

“If you believe in God, there are certain things that you will have access to that others that don’t believe would not have access to”

“The earth is created to function by laws and principles”

“God has given us concrete valuable products and service”

“The earth is not created to function by miracles”

“God did not create the earth in such a way that you must believe in Him before things will work”