All Quotes By Tag: Truth
“The greatest art belongs to the world. Do not be intimidated by the experts. Trust your instincts. Do not be afraid to go against what you were taught, or what you were told to see or believe. Every person, every set of eyes, has the right to the truth.”
“They’re just words. And words alone don’t really mean anything. It’s what you feel and what you believe when you say them that matter.”
“Use your intellect to guide you, and you will end up putting peopleoff. Rely on your emotions, and you will forever be pushed around.Force your will on others, and you will live in constant tension. Thereis no getting around it—people are hard to live with.”
“You know what’s truly weird about any financial crisis? We made it up. Currency, money, finance, they’re all social inventions. When the sun comes up in the morning it’s shining on the same physical landscape, all the atoms are in place.”
“There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness;….and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.”
“When one experiences truth, the madness of finding fault with others disappears.”
“It is easier to tell a person what life is not, rather than to tell them what it is. A child understands weeds that grow from lack of attention, in a garden. However, it is hard to explain the wild flowers that one gardener calls weeds, and another considers beautiful ground cover.”
“All I do is lie, and that has made me immune to compliments.”
“…oppression is as American as apple pie… ”
“Life shouldn’t be about the either/or. We’re capable of more than that, you know?”
“Everyone lies to themselves, but many people do it with good intentions. They want to believe what they tell themselves, it is oftentimes the best possible version of reality for them. Although it may not be accurate, it is a mural of their desires, aspirations, optimism and passion. These people usually either need time or a new experience to discover the truth. People who lie to themselves for different reasons are oftentimes trying to avoid something or escape blame for things they have done.”
“The truth has become an insult.”
“Because even if the lie is beautiful, the truth is what you face in the end.”
“You have the ability to choose your reactions.”
“I became aware that the invincible power that has moved the world is unrequited, not happy, love.”