“A lie that could help someone focus on his life was better than a hundred simple truths.”

“Never confuse a hunger for knowledge with a thirst for truth.”

“The media insists on taking what someone didn’t mean to say as being far closer to the truth than what they did.”

“The whispering of the truth is stronger than the thunderstorm of the untruth!”

“In what you say of another, apply the test of kindness, necessity and truth, and let nothing pass your lips without a 2/3 majority.”

“Real success in the kingdom of God is not about being strong and looking good and knowing all the right answers. It’s about continually yielding oneself to Jesus and determining to take purposeful little steps of obedience, and the ragged reality that it’s all about God and His grace at work in us.”

“She didn’t understand, I hope to God she never understands what I do, what I am. To be dammed by the darkness that lives inside me.To be saved by her love.No more half-truths. No more omissions.”

“Truth  is that we all need facts we cannot continue to eat only the food that is given to us. Sometimes we have to feed ourselves otherwise we set our self up for dependency on the wrong nutrition without realizing that we were being poisoned the whole time.”

“Look after goodness and truth, beauty will look after herself.”

“A PRIME TRUTH – MAN IS SELFISH(Name of chapter)”

“It’s better not to know authors personally, because the real person never corresponds to the image you form of him from reading his books.”

“Our power lies in our small daily choices, one after another, to create eternal ripples of a life well lived.”

“The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths.”

“Many people in a rather reckless context claim to ‘just tell it like it is’. In actuality, nobody really stresses what one says so much as the motive behind what one says; hence, he is merely blowing hot air and detracting from ‘what is’.”

“Your value lies not in status or title, but in the roots of your character and depth of your compassion.”