“There will come a time when people will realize the greatest mysteries of the universe: will a human then meet anything other than himself?”

“Hope because the universe hears you.Hope because the universe works for you.Hope because the universe speaks to you.Hope because the universe will finish what it began in you.”

“Uncertainties are a certainty in life.They boost up the air of negativity that suffocates.In such times …Faith is the insulationAndHope the oxygen.Faith in the Universe’s loving intentions.AndHope in their timely fulfilment.”

“The whole universe came together to consummate a wonderful soul, you.”

“The heart holds all the knowledge of the universe. Most people barely scratch the surface of what the heart contains. They don’t get out of their overanxious minds. They don’t realize that the entire universe resides in the heart and that is where Everything is waiting.”

“If you cannot appreciate the sky, you cannot appreciate the stars.If you cannot appreciate the stars, you cannot appreciate the universe.If you cannot appreciate the universe, you cannot appreciate nature.If you cannot appreciate nature, you cannot appreciate people.If you cannot appreciate people, you cannot appreciate God.”

“Your mind is the key to your world.Your heart is the key to your life.Your soul is the key to your universe.”

“The universe was happy when the sky was born.The sky was happy when the stars were born.The stars were happy when light was born.Light was happy when the world was born.The world was happy the day you were born.”

“The world has many eyes. The sky has many ears. The stars have many feet. The universe has many hands.”