“If you threw a stone to my direction, if the stone was not for me nor hits me, but it will hurt.”

“How much the sea became very small, when the first ship sailed.”

“Earth has two suns: One is outside, the Sun and one is within, the Wisdom! Both shine, both guide and both are bold in challenging the darknesses!”

“To be born again is to live through Jesus, to be mature is to let Jesus live through you!”

“When people encounter you, let them taste your eternal destination, be a glimpse of heaven!”

“Wisdom is to see no thing as a strange thing, no clothe as a strange cloth, no person as a strange person, no event as a strange event! Because in wisdom you understand why the things are as they are!”

“Do not afraid of the distance of your path, because the widen path shows as narrowed.”

“A seed is happy when it becomes a root, a root is happy when it becomes a bud, a bud is happy when it becomes a stem, and a stem is happy when it becomes a flower.”

“We need wisdom more than weapons. The more wisdom we have, the lesser the weapons we need.”