“No one is exempt from the call to find common ground.”

“First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered. Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect for those in power, but don’t follow them blindly. Judge with logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior, whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen. Off the affairs of love… my only advice is to be honest. That’s your most powerful tool to unlock a heart or gain forgiveness. That is all I have to say.”

“You built a hundred bridges and you sucked one cock. Then you are not a bridge builder, you are a cock sucker.”

“El sabio —es decir, el hombre libre que sabe lo que de veras necesita— siempre preferirá vivir en la ciudad entre sus semejantes que solitario en la selva o en lo alto de un monte, sin más compañía que algún oso.”

“To be vulnerable is to heal yourself … just as much as it is to heal others.”

“Yoga is her favorite superpower.”

“yeah, well,” Miller said, “Say what you will about organized crime, at least it’s organized.”

“Anything irreversible should be granted the ‘everything’ of our attention.”

“All the books, all the lectures, all the pages of … of information, areas nothing against the measure of our experience — and by that he meant the experience we take to heart, that we go back to, trying to work out the why, what, and how of whatever has come about in our lives. That, he said, is where we learn the value of true knowledge, with our life’s lessons to draw upon so that we might one day be blessed with wisdom. I may not be there yet, but the better part of me is doing my utmost, and one of the elements of life I am learning the hard way is the wisdom to be found in forgiveness. It’s what is setting me free.”

“Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can shatter souls. Choose carefully the words you say to others. Choose wisely the words you say to yourself. Words have a way of becoming truths we believe about ourselves. And what we believe, we become.”

“How am I still making stupid mistakes in my eighties? Whenever somebody says to me, “Maybe it’ll come with age,” I want to say, ‘I wouldn’t count on it.”

“How it is possible to learn anything if you you feel that you know everything”

“Let the flowers of wisdom befall your life with your experience, let the love speak of its shadow from within.”

“I am more interested in the insecure transparency in you than the pretentious character. Naked is surreal, it may make you feel vulnerable for a while yet it will take us on a journey worth remembering.”

“Poem (Internal Scene) To make beauty out of pain, it damns the eyes—No, dams the eyes. See how they overflow?No damns them, damns them, and so they cry.What shape can I swallow to make me whole?Baby’s bird-shaped block, blue-painted woodThat fits in the bird-hole of the painted wood box?The skeleton leaf? The skeleton key? LoudKnock when the shape won’t unlock any locks.I hear it through the static in the baby’s roomWhen the monitor clicks on and off, soundOf sea-ice cracking against the jagged sea-rocks,Laughing gull in the gale. What is it dives downPast sight, down there dark with the other blocks?It can’t be seen, only heard. A kind of curse,This kind curse. Forgive me. Blessing that hurts.”